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May 20, 2021
What is the process of customizing hotel furniture?
Step 1: we will give the plan according to the actual budget and hotel characteristics of the customers.
Step 2: according to the requirements of guests, select the furniture or guide the selection of customers.
Step 3: after the agreement with customers is unified, the business enterprise will draw furniture according to the requirements.
Step 4: when the drawings are agreed, Dior hotel furniture will be transferred to the production process.
Step 5: when the furniture production is completed, customers can go to the scene to inspect the goods and check the quantity.
Step 6: after the furniture production is completed and accepted, the furniture can be transported to the customer's hotel.
Step 7: when the furniture is delivered to the customer's Hotel, it can be installed. This is the last step.
Hangzhou realsun industrial co.,Ltd | |
Room#6-1605 Intime building,Dongxin Road,Hangzhou,China | |
86--18658898180 | |
candy@hzrealsun.com |
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